Solar Backup Power!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Adsense and Adwords

I got one of those free little cards that google sends out in the mail because I signed up for adsense.  I see I just got one because of google places too.  Anyways, I set up an "Add Words" advertisement for a web site design company in Ballard.    Supposedly they are going to match me up with some key words that I chose like website,design, Lynnwood, Seattle or Ballard.  I have a google adsense account over on the right side, so let's see if one of those ads come up there. 

Picture of giant ball made of Driftwood.  Taitung, Taiwan
I tried to see if the ad would appear in the google search results based on those key words, but it did not seem to.. That may be a different system or I may need to target some narrower keywords for the test.  Anyways, this post is mostly just to test out the system..

An interesting thing happened as well, apparently they (Google) don't allow ! in their ad titles, so my ad was immediately rejected.  There was a little link for "Request an Exception" which I clicked and waited until just today (4 days later) to get a reply back that my ad was "disapproved"!    This is the reason they gave: 
"Punctuation and Symbols: Punctuation & Symbols: Per the 'Ad Style &
grammar' section of our Editorial Guidelines, we do not permit
excessive or unnecessary punctuation or symbols. The following are
examples of guideline violations: "
Apparently they don't allow Exclamation Marks in the title, so I had to remove it from ad title "Get a web site now!".  After then it was immediately accepted.   Supposedly.  I'll believe it when I see the ad somewhere, like on this blog.

Cheers and Happy Last Days of Summer !


Containers used for river embankment.  Taitung County, Taiwan

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