Solar Backup Power!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Missing http in Firefox Address Bar

For anyone missing the 'http' in the address bar of Firefox, here is a nifty article I found:

Basically you need to go to about:config and set browser.urlbar.trimURLs to false.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Linux Test Server

So, I bought a cpu machine for $85 at my local Edmonds computer store. Thanks to the technician over there, it runs great - in Windows. The dvd writer worked so well, I spent hours and hours making cds of all the different Linux variations out there, Debian, Fedora, Centos, Ubuntu, I was even willing to give old Free BSD a try. Unfortunately I then spent more hours and hours trying to get the machine to boot from those cds and dvds - wasn't gonna happen! So, I discovered this site which has some utitilties to boot linux from a usb stick. After I found that, I was able to copy the compact boot version with net install and quickly make the machine boot up. I first tried Ubuntu "Live CD" version that runs the whole computer from that little usb stick. It seemed a little too plastic for me, so I reloaded the stick with Debian 6.0.

Here are the notes I took to install the new debian os:
  • Enter BIOS and Enable "Boot USB Devices First".
  • Boot up from usb
  • I proceeded to wipe out and re-partition the hard drive removing all the fine windows work. Most of the space was allocated to /home partition.
  • Use SPACE key to select packages. (chose Desktop and Web Server)
  • Remember to switch back off "bood usb devices" before restart.
  • copy down all created passwords and usernames.

Now, I have built a new desk from an old closet door and I have both machines setup in the office. I almost regret installing the desktop software on the machine, I'm using ssh mostly to access the machine from my trusty ole windows xp. I can't figure out why the "Epiphany Web Browser" and the "GNOME Terminal 2.30.2" don't co-operate together. I can't even copy and paste between the two. It also seems too reliant on the mouse. I think I will try another desktop.

In the meantime, I am ssh'd directly in from my windows machine here, and I'm going to town editing the apache conf files and creating svn repositories and virtual hosts. That's the real reason I got this machine - to administer my own little server here. Before I get too carried away, it may be worth it just for the experience to re-do the whole thing and try the red-hat version. I see the server hosting my web site is CENTOS 5.7 i686 standard .

Helpful links for setting up:

I now have a "new" desk, and a linux test machine sitting under it.

New Office